iFire Systems
Serves the Department of National Defense, Law Enforcement, Intelligence, Special Forces and other Philippine Government agencies fighting terror and crime

Solutions that save lives
iFire Systems, Inc. is a company with expert knowledge and experience in the Defense and Law Enforcement sector within the Philippines. We represent international companies that design, develop and produce solutions for Police Forces, Intelligence Agencies, Special Forces, Department of National Defense and other Government approved organizations.
iFire Systems provides the newest capabilities and available technology, we strive to deliver superb solutions to the end-user. We also offer systems integration and training programs to develop skill set of our end-users.
Established in 2008 as an electronics manufacturer and export company, iFire diversified to the Defense and Law Enforcement supply in 2014.


Surveillance and Defence Systems
BROLIS develops cutting-edge electro-optical and laser systems for defence and security applications. Their products range from dismounted soldier systems and border surveillance solutions to OEM projects for airborne and naval applications.


Antennas and Power Supplies
Comrod designs and manufactures tactical antennas, marine antennas, antenna systems, tactical support masts, power supplies & battery chargers and composite utility pole systems.

Safety Products
Oceania Defence manufactures the most advanced safety protection accessories for professionals including law enforcement and military personnel across the globe.

Assured access to mission-critical information in contested environments
In the chaos of combat, lives depend on fast communications. Whether on the ground, in the air or at sea, L3Harris delivers enhanced situational awareness and real-time access to mission-critical information for warfighters in highly contested areas. With L3Harris' Tactical Data Links (TDL) and Line-of-Sight (LOS) networking and communications capabilities, fratricide potential is reduced and warfighter effectiveness is exponentially improved.
Warfighters around the globe have counted on L3Harris' TDL, LOS, and other wireless communications for:
Link 16 fighter-to-fighter communications
Link 16/LOS air-to-ground communications
Digitally-aided close air support
Network enabled weapons and autonomous swarms
Ground-based intra-brigade/tactical communications

Imaging, Video Analytics, Diagnostics and Threat Detection Systems
Teledyne FLIR offers a diversified portfolio that serves a number of applications in government & defense, industrial, and commercial markets. Our products help first responders and military personnel protect and save lives, promote efficiency within the trades, and innovate consumer-facing technologies.

Communication Systems
TrellisWare’s wide range of trusted and reliable radio products. Every radio operates the robust TSM waveform supporting uninterrupted real-time communications in harsh RF environments, and uniquely provides massive scalability and mobility across one network. TSM supports the true agility demanded by highly dynamic situations faced today.

Power and Communication Systems
Ultralife is a leading provider of critical power solutions and communications systems to customers around the world and across multiple industries

Training Ammunition
Ultimate Training Munitions manufacturers a complete system of innovative and widely applicable training products for military, law
enforcement, security personnel and civilians, enabling better preparation to accomplish their mission.

Smart Loitering Systems
Uvision designs, manufactures and delivers a comprehensive range of lethal loitering solutions. Suitable for deployment from air, land and sea, these solutions meet the requirements of today’s new battlefield doctrines for combat operations in complex, dynamic environments.

Secure Communication Systems
Armour Comms provides collaboration solutions and consultancy services that enable people to communicate securely from any network-enabled location, using their everyday devices for Voice, Messaging and Video Audio, Video conference calls and Data
Meal Ready to Eat
Tactical Food Packs created a product line that offers a long shelf-life with no added preservatives or additives – it’s all natural, honest, and has a home-made feel to it. Just pour hot water on the food, wait a beat, and enjoy delicious flavors straight from the pouch.
TFP products are perfect not only for the Special Forces but for either everyday hikers, sailors, mountain climbers or professional extreme sports athletes, namely for anyone who pursues an active lifestyle, appreciates comfort and a healthy diet.